
| 英语作文 |


第1篇: 校园浪费现象英语作文

Nowadays, there is too much waste on some campus. You can see students leaving their dorms with lights on. You also find that many a student, after washing their clothes, doesn"t bother to turn off the tap, leaving the water running. If you go to the cafeteria at dinner time, you are likely to see tables covered with the remains of all kinds of food.

Waste is very harmful. If you are extravagant with your money, you will soon be poor. Likewise, if human beings recklessly exploit the natural resources, then they are sure to have a gloomy future. What"s more, being wasteful is a bad habit that, like a drug, gradually erodes a human being"s virtues. Once a person grows wasteful, the virtue of frugality is eroded within him.

As far as I am concerned, I am determined to set a good example to combat waste, trying to use every grain and cent and call on more schoolmates to realize the necessity and importance of frugality. Only in this way, I think, can we hope to put an end to the waste on campus as soon as possible.

第2篇: 校园浪费现象英语作文

Maybe the last water is our tears

As we know water is made up of our life,we could not leave without water.No water will no we.

  Water is needed more and more,because our industry and agriculture produce developed fast.Somewhere water are scare,and some rivers are no water in them.But limited water resource is also polluted,many factories pour waste water into river without any Sewage treatment.

Around us there are a lot of students don"t pay attention to save water,for example they washing their face and rinsing the mouth,they don"t turn off the water tap .Let the water flowing day and night.What a pity!

Besides,there are still other phenomena like that in our life.So now I hope students can take care of water.And at the same time we need do something to prevent water pollute as we can do .That"s what I want to say.Why not do it right now,come on .

第3篇: 校园浪费现象英语作文

It is easy for us to forget to turn off the light after we left class. Some students even open the taps though they don"t want to drink water. The papers were thrown which was used only one side.。. Such sights are so common yet so serious that it is high time that we should reduce waste in school.

If we don"t reduce waste in our lives, we will lack food and water in the future. Only stopping such sights can we reduce waste. We should remember to turn off the light when we left class. It is easy for us to use papers on both sides. Turning off the tap when we see the tap is open. We can collect the water after we wash to water flowers. It is easy for us to do these little things.

Remember that we have only one Earth, we should try our best to reduce waste in school.

第4篇: 校园浪费现象英语作文

Reduce Waste on Campus

Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that wasting has become a grave problem in many campuses. In the dining hall, much food are left in the plates and dumped into the trash can. In the classroom, blank or half blank pieces of paper are left on the desks. In the dorm building, taps are left open and water left running or dripping all the time. And there can be more such examples.

In view of the expanding population and the shortage of various resources, wasting is really a harmful habit. It put strains on the already short sup* of food, water, electricity and the like. Besides, it goes against traditional virtue of hard work and simple living and may leads to a luxurious life style, which is dangerous to the souls of mankind.

Therefore, it is high time that we take steps to stop wasting. We should start from trifles around ourselves: remember to turn off the tap when we finish washing; try to order the exact amount of food we can consume; never throw away any blank or half blank pieces of paper. And always remember, a penny saved is a penny earned.

第5篇: 校园浪费现象英语作文

A porridge and a meal, when the thought does not come easily; Semi - half - strand, constant - reading material is difficult. 。

Refuse to waste, treasure grain again become the new topic of nowadays. According to statistics, China"s annual waste of food is enough to feed three countries for a year, a shocking statistic that reflects the horror of "chinese-style waste"。

Some people say that China is a nation with a special focus on human face, always pay attention to "dripping of grace, when animals are reported", when thanks to entreat you work for yourself or have done their own noble, often in the hotel guest, on this occasion, often have to compete with, specially with economic power to represent the so-called sincere and sincerity. Whatever it is, just play it. Luxurious restaurants, rich tables, delicacies, and delicacies, everything should be. Between guests, try to order more dishes, try to be late and finally let the dishes rest, so that you can show that you have eaten everything. When we go to a restaurant for a meal, we eat more expensive dishes, then we eat only a small portion of it, and the rest of us don"t ask for packing, and we always seem to show that we are rich. This is what people call "Chinese waste"。 Now, food and food waste is no longer an unresolent, but a deliberate waste. Because it shows how rich and extravagant they are. But when we are in the flaunt wealth, ostentatious luxury, few people consider how many children are starving? How many children are still worrying about their next meal? Take our students, the national implementation of "egg milk project", original intention is to enhance the student"s physical quality, but a large part of students to cherish, not to "target practice" with eggs, milk "war", and play.

According to the survey, 1 in the world every year. More than 2.8 billion people die from poverty, and one child dies of starvation every six seconds. It could be that when we throw an egg, a child dies of hunger. In foreign countries, attending parties and going to restaurants for dinner, the food served on the plate is a compliment to the chef and a recognition of the food. In China, food intraday is a humble, despised behavior. Is it just the difference in nationality that makes people think so differently?

"Who knows the food, the grain is hard." Every grain of grain is hard-won, we should all start from the body -- do not do "must be the guest", fight to be "compact disc clan"。 If we can"t eat it, we"ll go for it.
